Divide Pictures is an American film and television entertainment production company established in 2003, which is owned and operated by actor Milo Ventimiglia and his best friend Russ Cundiff, who formerly used to work for the William Morris Agency.
According to various sources, Ventimiglia (fresh off the success of having co-starred on the network's series Gilmore Girls) was hired as a second unit director on two marketing campaigns in 2003 and 2004 for The WB Television Network (which today is now part of The CW Television Network).
Both of the campaigns that Ventimiglia worked on can be viewed on YouTube.
Sometime in 2007, DIVIDE came to prominence in the YouTube community after Ventimiglia himself began appearing in several videos, often placing Ventimiglia in short video clips taking part in some seemingly random activity such as shining his shoes or brushing his teeth.
Like The WB's campaigns, whether or not these videos can be considered authentic material produced by Divide Pictures is unclear, though Cundiff's YouTube profile displays links to Divide's official website and many other claims to his affiliation with the company, in addition to several claims that he or Ventimiglia came up with the "ideas" for particular videos, suggesting that they were produced by the two rather than thoughtlessly shot without a creative process backing it.
In May 2007, it was announced in several media outlets that Divide Pictures was officially collaborating with the popular American Eagle Outfitters to direct and produce an original web-series tentatively titled It's a Mall World. The series will consist of 12 5-minute "webisodes" that will air every week starting August 2 on American Eagle's official website and in American Eagle stores, as well as during commercials breaks during the new season of MTV's popular reality series The Real World.