The childhood of Shivaji, the founder of the Maratha Empire in the Indian subcontinent, is a topic of great interest in the popular culture of India, especially in Maharashtra.
The earliest detailed descriptions of Shivaji's birth and boyhood are found in the works composed 150 years after his death. By this time, Shivaji had become a semi-legendary figure, and several stories had developed around his legend. Historian Jadunath Sarkar notes: "The stories told in the later Marathi bakhars about the history of his parents during the year preceding his birth and the events of his own life up to the age of twenty, are in many points contrary to authentic history, and in others improbable, or, at all events, unsupported by any evidence."
Shivaji was born in the hill-fort of Shivneri near the city of Junnar. While Jijabai was pregnant, she had prayed the local deity (devi) called "Shivai" for the good of her expected child. Shivaji was named after this local deity.
The exact birthdate of Shivaji has been a matter of dispute among the historians. The Government of Maharashtra accepts the 3rd day of the dark half of Phalguna, 1551 of Saka calendar (Friday, 19 February 1630) as the official birthdate of Shivaji. This date is supported by several other historians including Dr. Bal Krishna. A horoscope of Shivaji found in the possession of Pandit Mithalal Vyas of Jodhpur also supports this birthdate. According to Setu Madhavrao Pagdi, Shivaji's court poet Paramanand has also mentioned Shivaji birth date as 19 February 1630.
However, some other historians such as Jadunath Sarkar and Rao Bahadur Sardesai believed that Shivaji was born in 1627. The various suggested dates include:
Sarkar believed that there are no contemporary reliable records of Shivaji's exact birth date and boyhood, and the bakhars composed years after his birth contain several unreliable anecdotes. Dr. Bal Krishna rejects the date suggested by Sarkar, criticizing him for over dependence on 91-Qalmi Bakhar (composed in 1760s) and Shivadigvijaya Bakhar (composed in 1818).