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Edward William Elton

Edward William Elton
Born August 1794
Died 20 July 1843
off Lindisfarne
Nationality British
Occupation Actor

Edward William Elton (August 1794–20 July 1843), was an English actor.

Eltonwas born in London, in the parish of Lambeth, in August 1794, and was trained for the law in the office of a solicitor named Springhall in Verulam Buildings, Gray's Inn. His father, whose name was Elt, was a schoolmaster in the neighbourhood of Tottenham Court Road, and got up plays among his scholars. In these, at the Sans Souci Theatre in Leicester Place, and subsequently at Pym's private theatre, Wilson Street, Gray's Inn Lane, Elton acted, as a youth.

After joining a strolling company, he appeared, in 1823, as utility actor at the Olympic, playing in A Fish out of Water, where he made the acquaintance of Tyrone Power. At Christmas he went to the Liverpool Amphitheatre, where the following year, after a summer engagement at Birmingham, under Alfred Bunn, he played Napoleon in the spectacle of the Battle of Waterloo. He then, at the Theatre Royal, Liverpool, played Cominius in Coriolanus. After starring in Chester, Worcester, Shrewsbury, and elsewhere, he attracted in Manchester the favourable notice of Charles Young, with whom he appeared in Norwich and Cambridge.

His efforts in Shakespearean parts were not very successful. With a fair country reputation, however, he came in 1831 to the Garrick Theatre in Whitechapel, opening under Conquest and Wynn in Richard III. Great popularity attended him at the East End.

In October 1832 he was at the Strand Theatre, whence he went to the Surrey. An unsuccessful engagement at the Haymarket, under Morris, in 1833 came to a speedy termination. He then returned to the minor theatres, was in the spring of 1836 at the Adelphi, and 10 January 1837 at Covent Garden, under Osbaldiston's management, made a success as the eponymous Walter Tyrrell.

