Eguinaire François, Baron de Kerlouan (1495–1550) was a French jurist. He is also variously referred to as Baro, Eguinaire Baron, Eguinarius Baro, Eguinarius Baron, Eguinar Baro or Eguin Baron.
Baro studied law in Poitiers, Paris, Orléans and Bourges, probably with Alciati. He taught Roman law in Angers after 1538 and in 1542, with Douaren, in Bourges.
Together with Budaeus, Alciati, Connan and others, Baro was among the founders of Humanist jurisprudence in France. He was the first to refer to the ius gallicum, French law, as such, and pioneered the use of paratitla, brief summaries of Pandects titles, in his Ad Digesta seu Pandectas Manualium libri septem. His other works include extensive commentaries and monographs on Roman and feudal law.