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Elisheva Carlebach Yoffen

Elisheva Carlebach Jofen is an American scholar of early modern Jewish history.

Carlebach has been the Salo Wittmayer Baron Professor of Jewish history, culture and society at Columbia University since 2009. She was previously a Professor of Jewish History at Queens College and the Graduate Center, CUNY, in New York City. Professor Carlebach obtained her bachelor's degree from Brooklyn College. In 1986 she completed her PhD in Jewish History at Columbia University.

Professor Carlebach is married to Rabbi Mordechai Jofen, the rosh yeshiva ("dean") of the Novardok yeshiva Beis Yosef in Brooklyn, New York City. She uses her maiden name professionally and her married name in her personal life.

Dr. Carlebach's family was one of the preeminent rabbinical families in Germany before the Holocaust. Her grandfather was Rabbi Joseph Carlebach, the last chief rabbi of Hamburg, and her father is Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach who served as the mashgiach ruchani at the Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin and author of the commentary on the Humash Maskil Lishlomo.

