An energy recovery linac (ERL) provides a beam of electrons used to produce x-rays by synchrotron radiation. First proposed in 1965 the idea gained interest since the early 2000s.
The usefulness of an x-ray beam for scientific experiments depends upon the beam's spectral radiance, which tells how much power of a given wavelength is concentrated on a spot. Most scientific literature on x-ray sources uses a closely related term called brilliance, which counts the rate of photons produced, rather than their power. The energy of a photon is inversely proportional to the photon's wavelength.
Very high power is usually achieved by delivering the energy in short pulses, allowing the apparatus to work within reasonable power demands and cooling limits. Depending upon the pulse length and repetition rate, the average spectral radiance will be much lower than the peak spectral radiance. The peak spectral radiance and the average spectral radiance are both important properties of an x-ray beam. For some experiments, the peak value is most important, but for other experiments, the average value is most important.
As a synchrotron light source, the performance of an energy recovery linac falls between a storage ring and a free-electron laser (FEL). Energy recovery linacs have high repetition rates and therefore high average spectral radiance, but lower peak spectral radiance than a FEL.
While using a recirculating charged particle beam with a magnet lattice resembling that of a storage ring, each particle travels through the recirculating arc before being decelerated in a linac structure. The same linac structure also accelerates new low-energy particles that are continuously injected into the linac. Thus, instead of recycling the particle beam continuously, while its emittance increases by synchrotron radiation emission, only its kinetic energy is recycled, enabling a low beam emittance while maintaining high repetition rates comparable to synchrotrons.