Escuela Nueva (Spanish for "new school") is an education model that originated in Colombia. Escuela Nueva emphasizes on understanding over memorization and development of interpersonal skills.
In an Escuela Nueva school, students learn independently, at their own rate. Typically a half-dozen students work at a table facing one another, rather than all facing toward the teacher. Much of the learning takes place through discussions among students and through guided independent work, with students who have mastered a subject helping those who are still learning it. The teacher moves from group to group, student to student, offering advice and guidance as needed.
The system was developed for rural Colombian schools because they face special circumstances. In small communities, a one-room school might have students at many grade levels. Students often drop out for several weeks or months to help on the family farm, then have difficulty catching up. In an Escuela Nueva school, teachers are trained to help students work at their own pace, and to take exams when they feel ready.
Escuela Nueva was founded in the mid-1970s by Vicky Colbert, along with Beryl Levinger and Oscar Mogollón as co-founders. Colbert's family had a strong involvement in education. Her mother had set up teacher training colleges in Colombia and her grandfather had been Colombia's minister of education. Colbert has spent 40 years spreading this education model. It is now used in about 20,000 rural schools in Colombia and 19 countries worldwide.
Self-guided learning is a key part of the Escuela Nueva model. Students have guidebooks for subjects such as mathematics, language, science, and social science. These guides serve as textbooks; they also include activities that students can do in or out of school to supplement what is learned from the book. For example, an NPR story reported, the learning guide might explain vaccines, then "instruct a child to go home and check that her baby sister has had all her shots, or go with her father to inspect the water cistern to see that it's covered to keep out insects."
Democracy is a second element of Escuela Nueva. Students actively participate in decisions about their education. David L. Kirp, the author of several books about education, reported after visiting a school that "the student council meticulously planned a day set aside to promote peace; operated a radio station; and turned an empty classroom into a quiet space for reading and recharging. I was there last Halloween, when students put on a costume contest for their pets."