The European Migration Network (EMN) is an EU funded network, set up with the aim of providing up-to-date, objective, reliable and comparable information on migration and asylum for Institutions of the European Union, plus authorities and institutions of the Member States of the European Union, in order to inform policymaking. The EMN also serves to provide the wider public with such information. The EMN was established by the Council of the European Union Decision 2008/381/EC adopted on 14 May 2008.
The need for Member States to exchange information on all aspects of migration, and to contribute to a common asylum and immigration policy was initially proposed by the Laeken European Council in 2001 and reinforced through the Thessaloniki European Council in 2003, the year the EMN was launched as a pilot project. The Hague Programme reinforced the need for common analysis of migratory phenomena, and the successor contains many elements for the better comparability and exchange of information between Member States across the wide range of asylum and migration policy developments. Within this context, the EMN was established in 2008.
The EMN is co-ordinated by the European Commission under the responsibility of the Directorate for Migration and Home Affairs, and in co-operation with National Contact Points (EMN NCPs) appointed in each Member State, and Norway, by their national government. The EMN NCPs consist of Ministries of Interior and of Justice, plus Research Institutes, Non-Governmental Organisations, and the national offices of an International Organisation. Each EMN NCP in turn co-ordinates a national network of relevant stakeholder organisations. The EMN is overseen by a Steering Board, chaired by the Commission and including one representative from the Member States participating in the adoption of Council Decision 2008/381/EC plus, with observer status, representatives from the European Parliament, Frontex, Fundamental Rights Agency, European Asylum Support Office and the EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator.