Éva Pócs (born 1936) is a Hungarian ethnographer and folklorist.
She began her career at the Néprajzi Múzeum where she was an intern between 1959 and 1960. On gaining her first degree in 1960 in Hungarian Folklore, Museology, and Secondary School Teaching from Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), she joined the curatorial staff of the Damjanich János Múzeum in Szolnok. Between 1965 and 1968 Pócs worked as a graduate researcher (aspirantúra) in the Department of Folklore at ELTE.
Following her studies at ELTE, Pócs joined the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA Néprajzi Kutatóintézete), where she was a fellow between 1968 and 1989, and then as Head of Department for the Institute of Ethnography from 1990 until she took partial retirement in 2001. She received her PhD degree in Ethnology (Folklore) in 1982 and her DSc in 1998. During her time at MTA Néprajzi Kutatóintézete, Pócs also lectured for the University of Szeged between 1991 and 1999. Following her partial retirement in 2001, she continued to work as a Senior Research Fellow at MTA Néprajzi Kutatóintézete. Between 1999 and 2007 she was Professor of Cultural Anthropology at Janus Pannonius University(PTE) in Pécs, Hungary, and since 2008 she has been Professor Emeritus.
Pócs has lectured at many European universities, including Berlin, , Lund, London, York, Edinburgh, and Helsinki.