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Federico Krutwig

Federico Krutwig Sagredo (1921–1998) was a Basque Spanish writer, philosopher and politician, author of several books.

Along with Felix Likiniano, he tried to create some resistance to the Francoist regime after the Spanish Civil War. The thought of both authors, melding Basque nationalism and Anarchism gave birth to a minor political current known as Anarkoabertzalism (Anarcho-nationalism), which eventually merged within the hybrid of Marxism and Anarchism known as Autonomism.

He was born on 15 May 1921 in Getxo, the son of a bourgeois family of German origin. He taught himself the Basque language.

He joined the Basque-Language Academy in 1943, where he favoured the standardisation of Basque around the Labourdine dialect of the first printed books in Basque, and with an etymological orthography. However, the Academy preferred the Guipuscoan dialect as the basis of Standard Basque. Krutwig's Basque language standardisation proposal was not to be applied beyond the members of the Jakintza Baitha ("House of Knowledge") Hellenophile society.

In 1952, after rejecting Luis Villasante joining the Basque-Language Academy, and after his criticisms to the position of the Catholic Church in reference to the Basque language, he went into exile in France.

Once in Donibane-Lohitzune he contacted members of the movement Jagi-Jagi. In 1963 he edits the book Vasconia, where he questions part of the traditional Basque nationalism of Sabino Arana and proposes a new Basque nationalism.

