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Frente Democrático de Izquierdas

Democratic Left Front
Frente Democrático de Izquierdas
Founded May 3, 1977 (1977-05-03)
Ideology Communism
Political position Radical Left
Supported by Party of Labour of Spain
Independent Socialist Party
Independent Socialist Bloc
Party of Communist Unification in the Canaries
Communist Unification of Spain
Confederación de Sindicatos Unitarios de Trabajadores (CSUT)
Democratic Association of Women
Young Red Guard of Spain

Democratic Left Front (in Spanish: Frente Democrático de Izquierdas, FDI), was a left-wing political coalition in Spain. The coalition was formed by the Party of Labour of Spain (PTE), the Independent Socialist Party, Independent Socialist Bloc, Party of Communist Unification in the Canaries and Communist Unification of Spain (UCE) to participate in the 1977 general elections. Most of those parties were still illegal at the time of the election. FDI presented lists in all Spain, except in Catalonia, were the PTE run in a coalition with Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC), called Left of Catalonia–Democratic Electoral Front (EC-FED). The coalition failed to win any seat (although their Catalan counterparts won one in Barcelona), and dissolved shortly afterwards.

