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Georgi Kitov

Georgi Kitov
Georgy Kitov.jpg
Born 1 March 1943
Dupnica, Bulgaria
Died 14 September 2008
Starosel, Bulgaria

Georgi Kitov (Bulgarian: Георги Китов) (March 1, 1943 – September 14, 2008) was a Bulgarian archaeologist and thracologist with controversial methods. He specialized in Thracian archaeology. He participated in the excavations of many sites including the Alexandrovo Tomb, Kosmatka, Svetitzata and Starosel Cult Complex.

Kitov died from a heart attack on September 14, 2008 during excavations in Starosel, Bulgaria.

On August 19, 2004 Kitov discovered a gold mask in a 5th-century BC burial mound outside the town of Shipka in a place he later named Golyamata Kosmatka. On September 21 he began an excavation of the mound with 12 others, including private security guards, and soon unearthed a large bronze head. Three days later he found the entrance of a tomb.

Instead of the more usual archaeological methods, Kitov used three large earthmoving machines. He claimed that he had to work quickly to deter looters. On October 4 Kitov and his team found a large marble door. Later that night they entered a chamber with a sarcophagus and a large amount of golden objects.

According to Kitov's later account, he informed the police in Kazanluk to ask for help of couple of police officers to help the take the treasure to his headquarters in a local hotel. Police sent 50 men and a local prosecutor—according to their later report, they were suspicious because the team intended to move the artifacts in the middle of the night.

Police officers proceeded to frisk everyone when they came from the tomb in case they were trying to smuggle out valuables. When the police demanded that the treasure be taken to the local police station, Kitov refused. Both groups spent the whole night outside the mound until the police escorted the team and the artifacts to their hotel the next morning. Apparent police overkill caused lots of public amusement.

He rarely bothered to document or analyze the artifacts he fоund. He began to publish his findings only after several other archaeologists criticised him in public. He excavated the digs in a hurried manner, using heavy machinery.The quality of his scholarship, his business ethics, his self-promotion and his associations with people suspected of looting and selling antiquities were issues on which he was criticized.

