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A gigapixel image is a digital image bitmap composed of one billion (109) pixels (picture elements), 1000 times the information captured by a 1 megapixel digital camera. Current technology for creating such very high-resolution images usually involves either making mosaics of a large number of high-resolution digital photographs or using a film negative as large as 12" × 9" (30 cm × 23 cm) up to 18" × 9" (46 cm × 23 cm), which is then scanned with a high-end large-format film scanner with at least 3000 dpi resolution. Only a few cameras are capable of creating a gigapixel image in a single sweep of a scene, such as the Pan-STARRS PS1 and the Gigapxl Camera.

A gigamacro image is a gigapixel image which is a close-up or macro image.

Gigapixel images may be of particular interest to the following:

One example of a Gigapixel photo is the inauguration of Donald Trump.

A terapixel image is an image composed of one trillion (1012) pixels. Though currently rare, there have been a few instances such as the Microsoft Research Terapixel project for use on the Fulldome projection system, a composite of medical images by Aperio, and Google Earth's Landsat images viewable as a time-lapse are collectively considered over one terapixel.

In August, 2014, GIGAmacro announced that they would capture the photographs for the world's first terapixel macro image at the annual SIGGRAPH conference in Vancouver, BC. As of the end of August, 2014 GIGAmacro announced the success of the capture phase of the project, but have not yet said when the final terapixel image will be made public.

