Glen Alvelais (born February 22, 1968) is a heavy metal guitarist from the San Francisco Bay Area. Alvelais was the lead guitarist for Forbidden and has also played in Testament.
Alvelais left Forbidden in 1989, a year after the release of their cult classic debut Forbidden Evil. In 2008, Alvelais orchestrated the reuniting of Forbidden, and has written guitar solos for the metal band Tenet, featuring Jed Simon, Gene Hoglan, and Steve "Zetro" Souza. As of July 2009, Glen is no longer part of Forbidden's reunion.
Alvelais projects include, "LD/50", which features vocalist Clark Brown, bassist Terry Goss, and drummer Tony Providence. The lineup formerly included noted drummer Jeremy Colson.
He is currently working with his new project, "Earth Crawler", which consists of members of Falling to Pieces, Left of Christ, Divided, and Scorched-Earth Policy. In 2017, Earth Crawler independently released their first EP entitled, "From Below". The album features vocalist - Ryan Reynoso, Guitarist - Kimo Sanborn, Bassist - Terry Goss, and Drummer - Nick Benigno.