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Global Counterterrorism Forum

The Global Counterterrorism Forum (www.thegctf.org) is an informal, apolitical, multilateral counter-terrorism (CT) platform that was launched officially in New York on 22 September 2011.

The GCTF’s goal is to strengthen capabilities in order to develop a strategic, long-term approach to counter terrorism and prevent the violent extremist ideologies that underpin it. The GCTF’s mission is to diminish terrorist recruitment and increase countries’ civilian capabilities for dealing with terrorist threats within their borders and regions.

Currently co-chaired by the Netherlands and Morocco, the GCTF has 30 founding members. The Forum works with partners around the globe to identify critical civilian needs to effectively counter terrorism, mobilize the necessary expertise and resources to address such needs, and enhance global CT cooperation. One of the key goals of the GCTF is to support and catalyze implementation of the United Nations (UN) Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, and the UN’s CT work more broadly, including the UN Secretary-General’s Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism that was presented to the UN General Assembly in January 2016. In pursuance of this goal, the GCTF works closely with UN bodies and with other relevant international and regional organizations, to reinforce, complement, and support multilateral CT and Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) efforts.

The GCTF’s Coordinating Committee, which meets twice per year, oversees the activities of the six Working Groups and the Administrative Unit, and provides strategic guidance on how best to address the evolving terrorist threat. Chaired by the GCTF Co-Chairs, the Coordinating Committee consists of all GCTF members, represented by their national counterterrorism coordinator and/or other senior CT policy-makers.

GCTF activities led to the elaboration and adoption, by GCTF members, of framework documents consisting of good practices, recommendations, and action plans, which address a variety of salient CT and CVE topics. The outcome documents of the forum are non-binding and not intended to create legal obligations for national governments.

