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Global March Against Child Labor

The Global march against child labor came about in 1998 due to the overwhelming response of the need to end child labor. It was a grassroot movement that motivated many individuals and organizations to come together and fight against child labor and not an annual march.

The main goals of this movement was to:

This march began on January 17, 1998 under the leadership of Kailash Satyarthi This event was a global conjuncture that brought non-governmental organizations (NGOs), trade unions, teachers, children and individuals together to fight against child labour. People from all over the world came together. There were people who marched only within their region and there were others who continued to Geneva, Switzerland. They were called the core marchers.

The marchers united and advanced through Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the U.S. Their final destination was Geneva, Switzerland where the International Labour Organization (ILO) meeting was taking place. At this conference, the issues of child labour and implementing new policies in order to prevent it on the global level were discussed. This march was significant at the ILO convention against the worst forms of child labor otherwise known as Convention no. 182, because:

This march was important to children in the work field since the underlying cause was to banish economic exploitation, not only in labor fields, but also through human trafficking where children are usually sold off for commercial services.

For those students that were not able to physically participate in the march, they were able to participate in an Online March sponsored by the Massachusetts-based Kids Campaign to “Build a School for Iqbal”. Over 3,000 classrooms with students published messages on the Global March web page.

