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Gospel of Basilides

The Gospel of Basilides is the title given to a reputed text within the New Testament apocrypha, which is reported in the middle of the third century as then circulating amongst the followers of Basilides (Βασιλείδης), a leading theologian of Gnostic tendencies, who had taught in Alexandria in the second quarter of the second century. Basilides's teachings were condemned as heretical by Irenaeus of Lyons (c.130 – c.200), and by Hippolytus of Rome (c. 170 – c.236), although they had been evaluated more positively by Clement of Alexandria (c.150 – c.215). There is, however, no agreement amongst Irenaeus, Hippolytus or Clement as to Basilides's specific theological opinions; while none of the three report a gospel in the name of Basilides. The first direct reference to a Gospel of Basilides is therefore that found in Origen (c.185 – c.254), who reports:

The Church has four Gospels. Heretics have many. One of them is entitled According to the Egyptians. Another is According to the Twelve Apostles. Basilides too dared to write a Gospel According to Basilides.

Origen’s notice is the source for references to the Gospel of Basilides in Jerome,Ambrose,Philip of Side, and the Venerable Bede. But none of these authors report any quotations from the supposed gospel, nor are they able to give an indication as to its content or character.

Much more is known about Basilides major work in twenty-four books; for which Clement of Alexandria records the title Exegetica (or 'Treatises') and provides quotations from book twenty-three, while other quotations are preserved in the works of Hegemonius.Eusebius of Caesarea reports Agrippa Castor (mid 2nd century) as describing the Exegetica as, twenty-four books on the Gospel, and this notice has been interpreted as characterising the full Exegetica as an extended commentary, whose base text might be inferred as being the lost Gospel of Basilides. From this assumption and the surviving quotations from the Exegetica, a range of theories have been developed as to the nature of the Gospel of Basilides: that it was a redaction of the Gospel of Luke; that it combined the Gospels of Luke and Matthew; that it was a ‘’diatessaron’’ or harmony of all four gospels; that it was an independent account of the life of Jesus; and even that it was an abstract treatise or homily on the religious significance of Jesus, with no specific relation to his teachings or the events of his earthly ministry, similar in this respect to the Gospel of Truth, another Gnostic work. Some scholars maintain that Origen’s notice of a Gospel of Basilides was referring to the Exegetica itself; and that the two titles are therefore to be identified. Otherwise, the Gospel of Basilides could denote a second or third century Gnostic text (whether lost or surviving under another title) with no connection to Basilides himself, other than being preserved within the sect that bore his name.Wilhelm Schneemelcher states:

