Grande Fratello 11 premiered on October 18, 2010 and concluded on April 18, 2011. Half a year along, it has been the longest Grande Fratello series and prime time show in Italy. It was the eleventh Italian edition of the reality franchise Big Brother. Alessia Marcuzzi returned as the main host of the show. The house had been radically renewed from the last edition. The winner of the edition, Andrea Cocco, received a €300,000 grand prize.
Alessandro Marino was born on September 20, 1973, and entered the house on Day 8. He was the fifth contestant to be evicted.
Andrea Cocco was born on January 25, 1978, and entered the house on Day 1. He was announced as the winner of Grande Fratello 11 on Day 183 with 51% of the public vote.
Angelica Livraghi was born on November 24, 1987, and entered the house on Day 1. She became the nineteenth person to be evicted on day 141.
Caroline Cecere was born on March 23, 1988, and entered the house on Day 36.
Cristina Nadia Alberto was born on January 30, 1983, and entered the house on Day 1. She was the first contestant to be evicted.
Davide Clivio was born on November 29, 1986, and entered the house on Day 1. He was the fourth contestant to be evicted.
Davide Roberto Baroncini was born on August 11, 1988, and entered the house on Day 1. He was the 21st person to be evicted from the Big Brother house on Day 169.
David Lyoen was born on July 7, 1984, and entered the house on Day 1.
Elisa Lisitano was born on July 7, 1988, and entered the house on Day 8. She was the third contestant to be evicted.
Ferdinando Giordano was born on July 23, 1980, and entered the house on Day 1. He's the second ranked.
Francesca Giaccari was born on February 2, 1984, and entered the house on Day 1. She was evicted by her housemates after being in the bottom two of the popular vote.
Giuliano Cimetti was born on December 2, 1973, and entered the house on Day 1.
Guendalina Tavassi was born on January 1, 1986, and entered the house on Day 1.
Ilaria Natali was born on October 28, 1985, and entered the house on Day 36.
Jimmy Barba was born on March 22 and entered the house just under two months in. Jimmy Barba came out of the competition ranked fourth and has received recognition for his multiple entertaining personas he appeared as during the show.
Margherita Zanatta was born on February 13, 1982, and entered the house on Day 1. She is the last woman and the third ranked.
Massimo was entered the house on Day 71. He was a housemate during Grande Fratello 10 but he was ejected during that season due to blasphemy. During the eleventh edition, Matteo also blasphemed but was kept in the house, which caused controversy from fans citing that Massimo didn't receive the same fate. Massimo was invited back to the Grande Fratello studios to discuss the matter and was given the opportunity to return to the house as an official housemate of Grande Fratello 11 by a public vote. The public decided to bring back Massimo, officially, on Day 78. However, due to further blasphemy from Pietro and the ongoing controversy of letting let Matteo stay in the house and Massimo's reentry, he was ejected from the house on Day 85 along with Matteo and Pietro.