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Gregory Ulmer

Gregory Ulmer
Born December 23, 1944
Nationality American
Fields English, Media Studies
Institutions University of Florida

Gregory Leland Ulmer (born December 23, 1944) is a professor in the Department of English at the University of Florida (Gainesville) and a professor of Electronic Languages and Cybermedia at the European Graduate School in Saas-Fee, Switzerland.

From 1972 to 1977 Ulmer worked as an assistant professor in the Humanities Department of the University of Florida and became the Acting Chair of the department in 1979. He received tenure in 1977, and he became the co-director of the Institute for European & Comparative Studies (1987–1990), and the director of the film studies program (1986–1989).

Many of Ulmer's breakthrough theories grow out of his home-spun "puncepts" like textshop, choragraphy, applied grammatology, mystory, heuretics, and post(e)-pedagogy. His explorations into what he refers to as an "anticipatory consciousness" designed to utilize the force of intuition as a way to invent emergent forms of knowledge, are methodologically remixed by Ulmerian disciples all over the world.

One such project to grow out of Ulmer's magical mystory tour is Illogic of Sense: The Gregory L. Ulmer Remix, an e-book publication that highlights how Ulmer's seminal work has been central to contemporary thinking on the future of writing and new forms of hybridized "digital rhetoric." Published by the Alt-X Press, which was founded by Ulmer's former student turned internationally acclaimed artist and writer Mark Amerika, the ebook is said to have finally fulfilled the long-promised potential of online publishing to use stimulating visual arrangement, media hybridization, and typographical ingenuity to blur the distinction between publication, exhibition, and design performance, which further brings to mind Ulmer's own self-consciously titled book "Internet Invention."

Ulmer's work focuses on hypertext, electracy and cyberlanguage and is frequently associated with "emerAgency," "choragraphy," "mystoriography," heuretics, and concept avatar. Following his motto (from the Japanese poet Matsuo Bashō) "not to follow in the footsteps of the masters, but to seek what they sought," Ulmer developed a mode for research and pedagogy that does for electracy what the argumentative essay (paper) does for literacy.

