The combination of distinction between Guilt society, Shame society and Fear society can be seen as a way of categorising difference in cultures. Each type of culture is a world-view.
Each type of culture tries to maintain a different balance of justice: the guilt-innocence world-view focuses on law and punishment; the Shame-Honour world-view seeks an "honor balance". This can lead to Revenge dynamics.
Rate of suicide and homicide is different between these cultures. In United States, Republicans practice the world-view of Shame Culture and Democrats can be associated with Guilt Culture. Statistics of suicide and homicide are different in different periods in US.
A 2016 study suggests that honor culture increases the risk of war.
The distinction between shame and guilt as methods of social control has long been recognized. The terms were popularized by Ruth Benedict in The Chrysanthemum and the Sword, who described American culture as a "guilt culture" and Japanese culture as a "shame culture".