Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare is a 313 bed regional provider of all post-acute care services in Windsor-Essex. This includes all programs and services at the Prince Road campus such as complex care, palliative care, regional rehabilitation, cardiac wellness, bariatric services, specialized mental health and addictions, and children's mental health.
The Hôtel-Dieu Grace Hospital was created by an agreement between two hospitals to share services. In 1991, the CEOs of the hospitals began meeting to discuss the options. An agreement was signed two years later on December 1, 1993 and after about three years of discussions and planning, the alliance went into effect as of April 1, 1994. The Grace site was officially closed February 1, 2004, and demolition of the Grace Hospital buildings began in March 2013 following removal of asbestos.
Hôtel-Dieu of St. Joseph Hospital is the oldest hospital in Windsor, Ontario. It was founded in 1888 by Dean James Theodore Wagner, pastor of St. Alphonsus Parish, and five sisters from the Religious Hospitallers of St. Joseph (RHSJ), who came from Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal on September 14, 1888.
Dean J.T. Wagner had become concerned for the black people who had migrated from the southern United States to his parish, particularly the children in the community. The families had come from the rural American South for the industrial jobs. The children were excluded from white schools and had no school of their own. In addition, many had become orphans. Dean J.T. Wagner organized a mission for black people and sent letters asking for donations.
One of these letters reached Mother Bonneau, the R.H.S.J. Superior in Montréal. She was so moved that she sent Wagner $2.50 and said that if he were considering building a hospital in Windsor, her order would be happy to help.
Construction on the hospital began on October 10, 1888; it was officially blessed October 15, 1889 and was completed February 1890. The original 1888 building was a three-story brick building built in the Norman architecture style with three turrets. An orphanage and school for black children was also opened on the site in 1890 and was run by the RHSJ. After four years, the school was discontinued because of low enrollment.