H1 was a particle detector that operated at HERA (Hadron Elektron Ring Anlage) in DESY, Hamburg. The first studies for the H1 experiment have proposed in 1981 and the H1 detector began operating together with HERA in 1992 and took data until 2007. The detector consisted of several different detector components and was about 12 x 15 x 10 meters big and weighs 2800 tons. It was accompanied by further detectors in both directions of the HERA accelerator and by an electronics trailer three stories high.
The main physics goals of the H1 experiment were the investigation of the internal structure of the proton through measurements of deep inelastic scattering, the measurements of further cross sections to study fundamental interactions between particles in order to test the Standard Model of particle physics, as well as searching for particles beyond the Standard Model.
The name H1 is used for both, the detector itself and the collaboration of physicists and technicians who operated the experiment.
The construction of an lepton-proton collider was recommended strongly by ECFA on May 9, 1980 [1][2]. The first proposals for the H1 detector have been made in 1981 and the letter of intent for the H1 experiment was published on June 28, 1985 [3]. The technical proposal for the H1 detector was finalized on March 25, 1986 [4].
The H1 detector was operational with the first collisions of HERA in 1992. It was upgraded during the HERA luminosity upgrade for the HERA-II running period from 2000 to 2003. The H1 detector then took data until the shutdown of HERA in June 2007 and was mostly dismantled afterwards.
Several subdetector components are now exhibited in the HERA Hall West at DESY. The HERA North Hall, where the H1 detector was located, is now used for other particle physics and gravitational experiments by DESY.