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The HMZ-T1 is a visor style head mounted display manufactured by Sony Corporation. Also known as the Sony Personal HD & 3D Viewer, the HMZ-T1 is composed of two different hardware devices, the Visor and the External Processor Unit.

The visor consists of (2) miniature OLED displays providing video and (2) headphones providing stereo sound. The two displays can be driven independently and offer stereoscopic video when used with a compatible video format.

The following specifications apply to the Visor portion of the HMZ-T1.

The visor is worn on the head and kept in place using a combination of a headband and a forehead cushion. Sony has produced a short video detailing the method for getting an accurate fit when using the HMZ-T1: How to use Sony Personal 3D Viewer Headset

The following specifications apply to the External Processor portion of the HMZ-T1.

It has been reviewed by CNET.CNN PC Mag, and Time

