David Harvey Crewe (20 October 1941 – c.17 June 1970), known as Harvey, and Jeannette Lenore Crewe (6 February 1940 – c.17 June 1970) were a New Zealand farming couple (married 18 June 1966 in Auckland) who were shot to death around 17 June 1970. A local farmer, Arthur Allan Thomas (born 2 January 1938), was twice convicted of their murders but was granted a Royal Pardon on 17 December 1979.
Husband and wife Harvey and Jeannette Crewe were shot to death around 17 June 1970 in their farmhouse at Pukekawa, Lower Waikato and their bodies were dumped in the Waikato River. Jeannette's body was found, wrapped in a duvet bound with copper wire, in the river at a place known as "Devil's Elbow" on 16 August and her husband's body was retrieved upriver on 16 September. An axle, which had apparently been used to weigh down Harvey's body, was also found.
The Crewes' disappearance was reported to the police on 22 June by Jeannette's father, Lenard W. Demler (died 4 November 1992) and his neighbour. The Crewes' 18-month-old daughter Rochelle was alive in the house and it was suspected that an unknown woman had fed her between the 17th and 22nd. Len Demler became the leading suspect in the police inquiry.
After the bodies were found and the calibre of the murder weapon was established, police collected and test-fired barely 3% of similar rifles belonging to residents in the Pukekawa district. Of those tested, all but two rifles were eliminated as possible murder weapons. One of these two rifles belonged to Arthur Thomas and he became a suspect. On 27 October 1970, the garden at the Crewe house was searched for a third time and a cartridge case was found. The case carried marks which showed it had been fired from Thomas's rifle. In November, Thomas was arrested and was found guilty of their murder in a jury trial in 1971. On appeal, a new trial was ordered and a second jury found him guilty in 1973.
A campaign, led in part by Pat Booth of the Auckland Star, attempted to overturn the conviction. The campaign alleged that police evidence against Thomas had been fabricated. Forensic work by Dr Jim Sprott showed that the cartridge case had been planted at the scene, and that its method of construction identified it as being from a batch that could not have contained the recovered murder bullets. A Royal Commission of Inquiry was formed to review the case and reported to the Governor-General in November 1980. The Commissioners found that the cartridge case relied on to convict Thomas, Exhibit 350, had been created by firing a bullet taken from the Thomas farm using his seized gun and the cartridge case had been planted by Detective Inspector Bruce Hutton and Detective Sergeant Lenrick Johnston outside the Crewe house. The Inquiry found there was misconduct by Hutton and Johnston in the prosecution of Thomas and that the arrest and prosecution of Thomas had been unjustified. Thomas was pardoned by the Governor-General in 1979, on the recommendation of then Prime Minister of New Zealand Robert Muldoon, after serving nine years in prison. He was paid NZ$950,000 compensation for his time in jail and loss of the use of the farm. Despite the Royal Commission describing the conduct of Bruce Hutton and Lenrick Johnston as an "unspeakable outrage", the New Zealand police never laid charges against any police officer involved in the investigation and prosecution of Thomas. Lenrick Johnston died in 1978. Bruce Hutton died in 2013.