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Hiyya b. Abin Naggara

Hiyya b. Abin Naggara (or Hiyya bar Abin, or Hiyya ben Abin; other uses: instead of "Abin" - "Avin"; Hebrew: רב חייא בר אבין) was a Jewish Babylonian Amora sage of the fourth generation of the Amoraic era. He was the son of R. Abin Naggara, whose livelihood was a carpenter (Naggara = "the carpenter"), and used to observe all the commandments related to lighting a candle. In that conjunction, it is storied that Rav Huna was accustomed frequently to pass the door of R. Abin the carpenter, and when seeing the observamce of Shabbat candles he remarked that "Two great men will issue hence", since it is stated that "He who habitually practises [the lighting of] the lamp will possess scholarly sons", and indeed he had Hiyya and Idi b. Abin Naggara.

He acquired his Torah knoelege from R. Amram, reported statements in his name, and also studied under Rav Huna and Rav Chisda along with his brother. He also reported statements both in the name of Abba Arika and Samuel of Nehardea. He spent a period of time in the Land of Israel, where he studied Torah under R. Yochanan bar Nafcha. During this period, he heard some statements of the Land of ISrael sages and had later reported them in their name.

