Home safety refers to the awareness and education of risks and potential dangers in and around a home which may cause bodily harm, injury, or even death to those residing in and around the physical structure of a home. It includes mitigating or preventing the unwanted dangers through testing, research and accepted standards of applications and practices.
Molds are microscopic organisms that thrive in damp environments. They can be found on tiles and fabric, in bathrooms and kitchens, nearly any damp, warm place. Molds are usually not a problem indoors, unless mold spores land on a wet or damp spot and begin growing. Allergic reactions to molds are common. Allergic responses include high fever-type symptoms, such as sneezing, runny nose, and red eyes.
Slip and trip- falling accidents at home are very common and can cause serious and life-threatening injuries, so prevention of slip and trip accidents is essential in the good design of living quarters. The objective is especially important for the elderly and disabled, who may be of restricted movement and more susceptible to hazards. It includes of adequate supports such as handrails and balustrades as well as ensuring walking surfaces are of high friction and thus resistant. Lighting is also vital for being bright enough to enable the user to see obstacles when walking into a room, for example. Users may also be provided with a walking stick or crutches to aid walking and personal support. Fall prevention is an active form of protection for users.
Radon testing and mitigation – The two types of radon gas testing devices are, passive and active. A person can set up a kit in their home or hire a professional to perform the test. If the test result comes back with high concentrations of radon, there are ways to reduce radon gas and bring it to acceptable levels. There are proven methods to reduce radon in a home or building. One method uses a vent pipe system and fan, which pulls radon from beneath the house and vents it to the outside. This system, known as a soil suction radon reduction system, involves minor changes to your home.