The House of Keglević is a Croatian noble family originally from Dalmatia, whose members were prominent public citizens and military officers. The Keglevićs were patrons of the arts and were holders of the rights of patronage over churches and parishes.
The first known ancestor was Peter de genere Percal, a castle lord, who was mentioned in a supreme court verdict in Dalmatia about the right to judge a case concerning grazing rights in a village in the year 1322. Peter was mentioned as a son of Budislav de genere Percal and as a brother of Jakob de genere Percal, and his family was explicitly called nostra nobilissima familia (our most noble family).
Keglevich, today it is not known whether Alexander, Francis or Charles has financed a variety of expenses of Maria Theresa of Austria, which supposedly should have been returned by the theater fund.
This surname became a victim of the Austrian Nazi propaganda.