Hugh McLaughlin (October 1918 – 1 January 2006) was an Irish publisher and inventor. He was married to Nuala Ryan.
McLaughlin was born at Killygordan, County Donegal, the youngest child of a stationmaster. At 16, be became a barman's apprentice in Gardiner Street, Dublin, Ireland. In 1935 he an established a tailoring business with his sister Anne Beggs. By 1950 he was involved with a printing company called Fleet and began publishing magazines for greyhound owners. He printed Kavanagh's Weekly in 1952, which featured Patrick Kavanagh. Due to this success, Hugh McLaughlin decided to continue to publish indigenous Irish magazines. These would compete with British magazines. Titles included Creation, which was edited by his wife, Nuala, Woman's Way, Woman's Choice, Business & Finance, This Week and Nikki. These magazines were published by his company the Creation group. Business & Finance is a business magazine that was established by McLaughlin in September 1964. He believed he could repeat in business media the success that was achieved by "Irish Farmer's Journal", which he had played a key role in establishing..."Business and Finance" was initially owned equally by McLaughlin himself, Noel Speidel, a surveyor with whom he had carried out successful property developments in Dublin, and its founder editor, Nicholas Leonard, who resigned as the financial editor of the "Irish Times" to join it. In 1965, all of McLaughlin's printing and publishing activities were combined in a new holding company called Creation Property and Printing, later changed to Creation Group. New Hibernia acquired a convertible loan interest in the company in the summer of 1965.
In October 1968, the News of the World bought a majority shareholding in the Creation group. Later on the same day, Robert Maxwell made a takeover bid for the News of the World. The bid was rejected and the News of the World ended up being controlled by Rupert Murdoch. Following this, the Carr family, who were previously the largest shareholders in the News of the World, bought the majority holding in Creation group.