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Synonyms Congenital hypodysfibrinogenemia

Hypodysfibrinogenemia, also termed congenital hypodysfibrinogenemia, is a rare hereditary fibrinogen disorder cause by mutations in one or more of the genes that encode a factor critical for blood clotting, fibrinogen. These mutations result in the production and circulation at reduced levels of fibrinogen at least some of which is dysfunctional. Hypodysfibrinogenemia exhibits reduced penetrance, i.e. only some family members with the mutated gene develop symptoms.

The disorder is similar to a form of dysfibrinogenemia termed congenital dysfibrinogenemia. However, congenital dysfibrinogenemia differs form hypodysfibrinogenemia in four ways. Congenital dysfibrinogenemia involves: the circulation at normal levels of fibrinogen at least some of which is dysfunctional; a different set of causative gene mutations; a somewhat different mix of clinical symptoms; and a much lower rate of penetrance.

Hypodysfibrinogenemia causes episodes of pathological bleeding and thrombosis due not only to low levels of circulating fibrinogen but also to the dysfunction of a portion of the circulating fibrinogen. The disorder can lead to very significant bleeding during even minor surgical procedures and women afflicted with the disorderoften suffer significant bleeding during and after giving child birth, higher rates of miscarriages, and menorrhagia, i.e. abnormally heavy bleeding during the menstrual period.

In of study of 32 individuals diagnoses with hypodysfibrinogenemia, 41% presented with episodic bleeding, 43% presented with episodic thrombosis, and 16% were asymptomatic, being detected by abnormal blood tests. Bleeding and thrombosis generally begin in adulthood with the average age at the time of presentation and diagnosis being 32 years. Bleeding is more frequent and severe in women of child-bearing age; these women may suffer miscarriages, menometrorrhagia, and excessive bleeding during child birth and/or the postpartum period. Excessive bleeding following major or minor surgery, including dental extractions, occurs in both females and males with the disorder. Thrombotic complications of the disorder are often (~50%) recurrent and can involve central and peripheral arteries, deep and superficial veins. Thrombotic events may be serious and involve occlusion of a cerebral artery leading to stroke, splanchnic venous thrombosis, and pulmonary thrombosis presumptively secondary to deep vein thrombosis.

