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Ilford Delta

Delta 100
Maker Ilford Photo
Speed 100/21°
Type B&W print
Process Gelatin-silver
Format 35mm, 120,sheet film
Application General, portraits
Introduced 1992
Delta 400
Speed 400/27°
Push EI 3200/36°
Type B&W print
Format 35mm, 120
Application General, sports
Introduced 1994
Delta 3200
Speed 1000/31°
Push EI 3200/36° or much more
Type B&W print
Format 35mm, 120
Application General, sports, low-light
Introduced 1998

Ilford Delta is a series of photographic films manufactured by Harman Technology Limited. Delta films are tabular-grain black-and-white films.

Ilford recommends Delta 100 and 400 as replacements for the discontinued Agfa APX100 and APX400 films, respectively. Delta 100 can be used at ISO speeds of 50 to 200.

The 'Delta 3200' product is not actually rated at ISO 3200/36°. Its speed is only ISO 1000/31° but it has a very wide exposure latitude. Thus it can be successfully push processed to EI 3200 or 6400. Delta 3200 was introduced in 1998, 10 years after Kodak's similar T-MAX P3200. It replaced Ilford's high speed 'HPS' film.

Delta 400 can also be pushed to EI 3200.

