The Inasmuch Foundation is a grant-making foundation based in Oklahoma, United States. It provides financial contributions to projects focusing on education, health and human services, arts, historic preservation and environmental concerns in the state of Oklahoma and the Colorado Springs area. It was established in 1982 by Edith Kinney Gaylord. The foundation is dedicated to upholding the values and interests of its founder.
Robert J. Ross has served as the CEO and president of the Inasmuch Foundation and the Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation since 2003.
In 2011, the foundation's assets were $271 million. It distributed $10.7 million in grants that year.
The Inasmuch Foundation is committed to the broad areas of interest and high expectations of its founder, Edith Kinney Gaylord. These include compassion for those less fortunate; enrichment of the lives of others through knowledge and beauty; respect for effective leadership, courage and integrity; and a willingness to embrace the future.
Inasmuch Foundation's philanthropy is intended to enrich and enhance the quality of lives it touches; to lessen suffering whenever possible, and to strengthen and support institutions and organizations in ways that benefit communities and the individuals served.
Inasmuch Foundation's grant-making, in keeping with Gaylord's interests, emphasizes education, health and human services, the arts, historic preservation, strengthening the nonprofit sector, and preservation of the natural environment.
The foundation takes its name from the Gospel of Saint Matthew, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me."
Inasmuch Foundation has supported over 250 non-profit organizations. Grant recipients have included:
Some of Inasmuch Foundation's notable sponsorships have been awarded to:
Edith Kinney Gaylord was born March 5, 1916, in Oklahoma City to parents Inez and E. K. Gaylord. Her father was editor and publisher of The Oklahoman and The Oklahoma City Times. Edith attended Colorado College in Colorado Springs before graduating from Wells College in Aurora, New York, in spring 1939 with a Bachelor of Arts degree.