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Indian Citation Index

Indian Citation Index
Providers Various Universities, Institutions and Commercial organizations
Disciplines Multidisciplinary
Record depth Citation indexing, Author, Topic title, Subject keywords, Abstract, Periodical title, Author's address, Publication year
Format coverage Research, Reviews, Editorials, Short communication, Research note, Case study, Research method, Opinion papers, Observations (R&D), Special articles, Patent, Standard, Report (R&D), Proceedings papers
Temporal coverage 2004 to present
Geospatial coverage Indian
Number of records 350 thousand index articles and 6 million references

Indian Citation Index (ICI) is an online bibliographic database containing abstracts and citations/references from academic journals. Currently ICI covers more than 800+ journals which are published from India covering scientific, technical, medical, and social sciences that includes arts and humanities. ICI covers data from 2004 onwards and provides full text of the title for Open Access journals, at present there are more than 220+ OA journals. ICI provides extensive search and analytical features. Analytical features like comparing more than one institutions in terms of contribution (total articles published), subject area, and number of citation received etc. This database is a first of its kind in India, that covers both source titles and reference information. ICI was launched in India in 2009.

ICI was launched in Oct’ 2009 New Delhi, with 100 journals. This database is a first of kind in India, which covers both titles and their citations. It provides access to full text for all Open Access journals. Links Google Scholar, that helps the user to find additional information from Web for a title. ICI is a research tool that helps the user to access information, provides different analytical features to analyze that information.

There are 50 different top level subject categories like Health Science, Mathematics, Computer Science & Technology, Economics, and Agriculture etc. These subject categories are further sub-divided into second and third level. Finally a title is given three subject categories, that helps the user to narrow down a specific search.

