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The Trade and Business Development Body (Irish: An Comhlacht Forbartha Trádála agus Gnó;Ulster-Scots: Tha Mercat an Dalin Fordèrin Convenerie), trading as InterTradeIreland, (Irish: IdirThrádáilÉireann; Ulster-Scots: NifferinMercatAirlann) is one of the six all-Ireland bodies set up following the Belfast Agreement reporting to the North/South Ministerial Council. InterTradeIreland is a Cross-Border Trade and Business Development Body funded by the Department of Enterprise Trade and Investment (DETI) and the Department of Jobs Enterprise and Innovation in Ireland (DJEI). InterTradeIreland helps SMEs across the island with Business Funding, Intelligence and Contacts. Since inception, InterTradeIreland's figures are as follows:

25,000 SMEs have benefited from cross-border information, 6,000 have taken part in all-island programmes, £700M worth of trade and business development has been generated and 3,000 new jobs created

InterTradeIreland's mission is: '"To support businesses, through our innovation and trade initiatives, to take advantage of North/South co-operative opportunities to improve capability, and drive competitiveness, jobs and growth.'

InterTradeIreland's Current Board (as at April 2016) are:

The current CEO of InterTradeIreland is Thomas Hunter McGowan

Every year InterTradeIreland run a business competition called the All-Island Seedcorn Investor Readiness Competition.

The competition offers a total cash prize fund of €280,000 to help the brightest new business stars across the whole island.

