The International Centre for the Prevention of Crime (ICPC) is located in Montreal and is the only global non-governmental organization (NGO) focused exclusively on crime prevention and community safety.
ICPC was founded in 1994, initially by the governments of Canada, France and Quebec, and inspired by the work of the French Mayor Gilbert Bonnemaison, who was its first President. Its members now include a range of national and sub-regional governments from across the world, as well as a Board of international, regional and national organizations, cities, and a wide variety of non-government organizations and associations concerned with issues of crime prevention and community safety. Its work is also supported by an international Scientific Committee of experts in the field.
The mission of ICPC is to promote safer and healthier societies and communities through the application of strategic and evidence-led programmes and initiatives which aim to reduce and prevent offending and victimization and to support international norms and standards, in particular the UN Guidelines on the Prevention of Crime (1995 and 2002). It encourages countries, cities and institutions to invest in prevention rather than relying on more costly criminal justice responses to crime.
It does this in three main ways:
Since it was created ICPC has worked closely with UN-HABITAT and its Safer Cities Programme in particular, and with UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime), both of which are members of the Centre. ICPC is also a member of the Programme Network Institutes affiliated with the UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (UNODC), a network of institutions around the world which aim to assist Member States and the work of the Commission. In this capacity ICPC has supported the work of the Crime Commission including through the organization of workshops on crime prevention at the 10th, 11th and 12th UN Crime Congresses, and through the development of a crime prevention Handbook and an assessment tool. Similarly, ICPC has collaborated extensively with UN-HABITAT on the development of tools and reports including the recent Youth Resource Guide. It also works with the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank and the Organization of American States among others.