The International Myeloma Foundation (IMF) is an American non-profit organization serving patients with myeloma, a cancer of plasma cells in the bone marrow. The IMF also provides support and information for family members, caregivers of myeloma patients, physicians and nurses. The organization is dedicated to improving the quality of life for all myeloma patients by focusing on four key areas: research, education, support, and advocacy.
Founded in 1990 by Brian Novis, Susie Novis, and Brian G.M. Durie, M.D., IMF is a 501(c)3 resource for both patients and caregivers, offering programs that include educational seminars, a patient hotline, multilingual publications, government advocacy, and a web-based Personal Information Management system for recording care and treatment.
The IMF is based in North Hollywood, California, and, according to its 2013 annual report, has a membership of 350,000 people in 140 countries. Its motto is "Improving lives — Finding the cure".
The IMF was founded in 1990 by Brian Novis, who was diagnosed with multiple myeloma at age 33, his wife Susie Novis, and his physician Brian G.M. Durie, M.D.
Brian Novis died of myeloma in 1992, but the IMF's work continues with Susie Novis serving as President and Dr. Durie as Chair of the Board of Directors.
There are approximately 22,500 new patients diagnosed with myeloma each year in the U.S. The IMF offers a variety of programs to aid with educating all new patients and their caregivers.
In 1993, the IMF became the first organization to offer Patient & Family Seminars, granting patients and their caregivers access to top doctors working in the field of myeloma. These global seminars generally see one to two thousand attendees and occur multiple times throughout the year. US-based seminars have been held in Boca Raton, FL; Seattle, WA; Boston, MA; and Los Angeles, CA. Internationally based seminars have been held in the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, France, Austria, Norway, Slovakia, and Italy.
To address the need for similar events in smaller communities, the IMF also hosts frequent Regional Community Workshops and Myeloma Center Workshops. These half-day workshops offer families a more intimate, condensed version of the full Family & Patient Seminars at no charge. US Regional Community Workshops have been held in North Carolina, Georgia, Texas, Indiana, Arkansas, Kansas, and Wisconsin. Internationally based seminars have been held in Germany, Italy, and the Czech Republic.