The episodes of the Japanese anime series Inuyasha: The Final Act (犬夜叉 完結編 Inuyasha Kanketsu-Hen) are based on the last twenty-one volumes of the manga series of the same title by Rumiko Takahashi, continuing where the first adaptation left off. The series follows the half dog-demon, half human named Inuyasha, the fifteen-year-old junior high school student Kagome Higurashi and their close companions Miroku, Sango, Shippo and Kirara as they search for the final fragments of the Sacred Jewel of Four Souls and approach their final battle with Naraku. Viz Media licensed the series as InuYasha: The Final Act. It was released in Animax Asia and Animax India. The original staff and cast from the first Inuyasha anime adaptation were brought back together for the new series. The series premiered on Yomiuri TV on October 3, 2009 where it ran for twenty-six episodes, concluding on March 29, 2010. It is also considered the seventh season of Inuyasha.
Viz Media licensed the new adaptation before it premiered and aired its English subtitled version online through Hulu, releasing episodes within a day of their original Japanese air dates. As of April 14, 2013, the entire series remains available for free on Hulu in the United States. As of episode 14, the English episode aired first.Animax Asia aired the series with their own English subtitles, on its television stations and its online video service.