Jonas Buud born 28 March 1974, is a Swedish ultra-distance runner who lives in Mora, central Sweden.
Buud is a former orienteer who changed to long-distance running and has achieved international success. He became European Champion over 100 kilometres in 2009 and 2010, and was runner-up at the World Championships in 2009, 2010, 2012, and 2014. In the combined European/World championship over 100 km on April 22, 2012, he finished second in both races with a time of 6:28:59, a new Swedish record.
In 2014 Buud for the eighth consecutive year won the Swiss Alpine Marathon, one of Europe's largest ultra marathon races, over a 78 km distance in the Alps. In 2013 he also finished second in the world's oldest and largest ultra-distance race, the Comrades Marathon in South Africa, to achieve the best Swedish placement in the Comrades' 88-year history.
In 2015 he won the World championship over 100 km with the time 6:22:48, a new Swedish record.