José Antonio Kast Rist (born in Santiago, January 18 1966) is a Chilean lawyer and politician of German heritage, currently serving as a member of the Chamber of Deputies, representing District 24 of Peñalolén and La Reina. He was a member of the Independent Democrat Union until 2016. He is currently an independent candidate for President of the Republic.
Kast is brother of the economist, minister and former Governor of the Central Bank, Miguel Kast (1948-1983). Also is uncle of the deputy of Political Evolution, Felipe Kast. He is married to María Pía Adriasola and has nine children.
He studied law at the Catholic University of Chile. Kast was a candidate for the presidency of the Catholic University of Chile Student Federation (FEUC). Between 1996 and 2000 was councilman of Buin and in 2001 was chosen deputy by District 30 of San Bernardo.
He was Secretary General of the Independent Democratic Union, a party he resigned to run for president. On 18 August 2017 he officially registered his independent candidacy before the Servel, presenting 43,461 signatures. It is supported by right-wing, conservative and retired military groups, among others.