Julian Ronald Moti (born 2 June 1965) QC CSI is the former Attorney General of the Solomon Islands. He was born in Fiji and educated in Australia.
Moti worked as an Adjunct Professor of Law at Bond University on Australia's Gold Coast from 1992, and taught comparative constitutional law, public and private international law, transnational litigation and arbitration, international trade, and finance and investment in Australasia and the Pacific.
He was the founding President of the Pacific Islands Branch of the International Law Association (ILA), served on the ILA Committee on Compensation for Victims of War and has been a Visiting Professorial Fellow at the Centre for Law and Governance at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, India and a Visiting Professor at Gujarat National Law University in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India.
Moti, an Australian citizen, has been wanted in Australia for serious alleged overseas child sex offences. He has been at the centre of an international dispute following efforts by the Australian Government to extradite him from both Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands to face charges in relation to an incident alleged to have taken place in Vanuatu in 1997. The proceedings involved a number of distinguished visiting judges: John Von Doussa, now the president of Australia's Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Bruce Robertson, the president of the New Zealand Law Commission, and Daniel Fatiaki, former Chief Justice of Fiji.
The Australian lawyer, journalist and biographer David Marr cites that the original charges against Moti had been thrown out of court and considerable legal costs were ordered to be paid as the magistrate ruled that he had no case to answer, although he also quotes suggestions that the magistrate was corrupt. The magistrate in question, denies the accusation in an affidavit(http://blakandblack.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/JM108-Affidavit-of-Bruce-Kalotrip-Kalotiti-03.04.07.pdf). Marr also, however, points out numerous "serious weaknesses" in the case against Mr Moti, including