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Jump gate

In science fiction, a jump gate (or 'jumpgate') or alternatively, a stargate, is a fictional device able to create a wormhole or portal, allowing fast travel between two points in space. Several works use this term extensively.

In the game Allegiance an Aleph is a wormhole which links two sectors together. You can travel from one sector to another by simply flying through them. They can be entered from any angle but the "Spin of Death" will be greater the further off center you are. You will exit at a slightly faster speed than you enter. Alephs are represented on the Minimap as lines joining circles. The circles represent the sectors on either end of the aleph.Alephs are strategic locations to set up defenses and sensors, as they act as funnels for all enemy movements. Alephs can be destabilized by an aleph resonator, in which case they will flare very brightly for 15 seconds and then explode, destroying all nearby ships. The range of the explosion depends on the strength of the aleph resonator.

In the Babylon 5 television series, a jumpgate is an apparatus with the power to open a vortex that connects normal space with hyperspace, making interstellar travel take a matter of days. Jumpgates also provide beacons that allow navigation within hyperspace (due to lack of stars and a gravitational incline that can pull ships off course without points of reference to correct themselves). The origin of the technology is unknown; all races learned to make jumpgates by examining already-existing jumpgates. For example, humans got jumpgate technology by buying it from the Centauri. Some ships are large enough to contain a jumpgate device, enabling them to enter and exit hyperspace at will. Minbari warships have been known to exit hyperspace right next to enemy ships, destroying them in the backlash.

As established in the episode "Movements of Fire and Shadow", jumpgates are considered neutral territory. It is considered a gross violation of rules of engagement to attack jumpgates directly, as the gate network is needed by every spacefaring race. Gates are also not typically shut down during combat (to prevent enemy forces from arriving), as it takes a considerable amount of time to power them down and up again. However, while destroying jumpgates is frowned upon, it is a common practice for military forces such as Earthforce to program their jumpgates to deny access to enemy forces (who must then open their own jump points); this was a common practice for Earth forces during the Earth-Minbari War, though it ultimately offered little tactical advantage given the superiority of Minbari technology.

