Karen Parker (born August 12, 1949) is an attorney based in San Francisco specializing in human rights and humanitarian law. Since the early 1980s, she has contributed to the evolution of international legal norms in the fields of economic sanctions, use of weaponry, environment as a human right, sexual slavery, and the rights of disabled persons. She regularly testifies at the United Nations Human Rights Council, formerly the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, and has served as an expert witness in disputes concerning armed conflict law, including conflicts in Central America, Iraq and Afghanistan. She has also worked as a mediator on behalf of several resistance movements active in the world today, especially Sri Lanka, Burma (Myanmar), Kashmir, Maluku, and Iran.
Parker is the daughter of noted trumpeter Sidney Mear and a native of Rochester, New York. She obtained her J.D. degree in 1983 from the University of San Francisco School of Law, interning at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States (OAS), and externing for Justice Frank C. Newman of the Supreme Court of California. She received a diploma in Droit international et droit comparé des droits de l'homme (International and Comparative Law of Human Rights) from the International Institute of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France in 1982. That same year, she founded the Association of Humanitarian Lawyers and continues to serve as its president. She is the chief delegate of International Educational Development - Humanitarian Law Project, a nongovernmental organization accredited by the United Nations Economic and Social Council. Through the years, she has represented or served as a consulting attorney for Disabled Peoples' International, Human Rights Advocates, and the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund. She is currently a member of the Committee of 100 for Tibet.