The Kaashtha sari (Marathi: नऊवारी साडी) is a style of sari draping is very similar to the way the Maharashtrian dhoti is worn. The word Kaashtha refers to the sari being tucked at the back. Since this sari is usually worn using a single nine yard cloth, it is also referred to as Nauvari which means Nine Yards.Sakachcha sari is another term commonly used to refer to this style of sari. It is referred to as Akanda Vastra, which means it doesn't need any other attire to support it. In fact, this attire holds utmost importance as women across different walks of life have worn it. It is not just worn at religious and cultural events, but women have fought wars in the past and still work in farmlands wearing this.
It is the traditional Marathi style of sari which is worn without a petticoat. This style of sari draping is common among all the castes but the way of draping differs according to the region and topography as well.For example, Brahmin women wear it in a particular way which is called as brahmni on the other side aagri people from the raigad district wear it in a knee length fashion is called as 'adwa patal' whereas with a small variation the kunbi or the farmer women of raigad district and some parts of ratnagiri as well wear nineyard which is called as "uprati" .The name uprati means up side down which is because of some folds while draping the saree are up side down. One of the special features of adwa patal and uprati arethat these sarees are draped without tying knots but still the saree is very tightly draped. On contrary to this women from rural Puñe and Satara Ahmed Nagar or Kolhapur, wear it to the ankle length which is very popular and one of the best types of wearing it. Also the Brahmins wear it in a particular way where the border of the saree is displayed on the front side as well Similar to the kashta on the back Side. Some details are given below as well. This sari is draped in a way that the center of the sari is neatly placed at the back of the waist and the ends of the sari are tied securely in the front, and then the two ends are wrapped around the legs. The decorative ends are then draped over the shoulder and the upper body or torso. Sayali Badade, an HR executive said, "A woman who wore a Nauvari was always looked upon with respect. The reason being both the shoulders of the women are covered, and it makes for a completely traditional wear. The style was originally started and popularised from the Peshwai reign".
Women of the Koli tribe also wear this style of sari but cut into two pieces. One piece is worn around the waist while the other piece is used to cover the upper part of the body. It is taken on the head over the left shoulder in the Maratha fashion. The Koli women are decorative with both dress and ornament and this sari of nine yards of cotton fabric is draped adeptly over the hips so that the figure is graceful in movement.