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Kazakh ASSR

Казакская Автономная Социалистическая Советская Республика
Казакская АССР
Autonomous republic of the Russian SFSR

Location of Kazak ASSR
Capital Kyzylorda (1925-1929)
Alma-Ata (1929-1936)
Government Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic
 •  Established 1925
 •  Disestablished 1936
Today part of  Kazakhstan

The Kazakh Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic (until 1936 Kazak Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic; Russian: Казакская Автономная Социалистическая Советская Республика, Kazakskaya Avtonomnaya Socialisticheskaya Sovetskaya Respublika;Kazakh: Қазақ Автономиялық Социалистік Советтік Республикасы, Qazaq Avtonomïyalıq Sotsialïstik Sovettik Respuwblïkası, قازاق اۆتونومئيالىق سوتسىالئستىك سوۆەتتىك زەسپۋبلئكاسى; Kazakh Uniform Turkic Alphabet: Qazaq Aptonom Sotsijalistik Sovettik Respuʙlikasь) was an autonomous republic of the Soviet Union within the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) existing from 1925 until 1936.

The Kazakh ASSR was originally created as the Kirghiz ASSR (not to be confused with Kirghiz ASSR of 1926–1936, a Central Asian territory which is now the independent state of Kyrgyzstan) on 26 August 1920, and was a part of the RSFSR. Before the Russian Revolution, Kazakhs in Russia were known as "Kirghiz-Kazaks" or simply "Kirghiz" (and the Kyrgyzes as "Kara-Kirghiz"). This practice continued into the early Soviet period, and thus the Kirghiz ASSR was a national republic for Kazakhs. However, on 15–19 June 1925 the Fifth Kazakh Council of Soviets decided to rename the republic the Kazak Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic. The capital of the former Kirghiz ASSR, Ak-Mechet, was retained as the seat of the Kazak ASSR but was renamed Kzyl-Orda, from the Kazakh "red centre". In 1927 or 1929 the city of Alma-Ata was designated as the new capital of the ASSR. In February 1930, there was an anti-Soviet insurgency in the village of Sozak. On 5 December 1936, the ASSR was detached from the RSFSR and made the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, a full union republic of the Soviet Union.

