Khanozai Khushab is a village in Pishin District, tehsil Karezat. It is almost 70 kilometres (43 mi) east the capital city of Balochistan, Quetta and about 8 kilometres (5.0 mi) away from the small city of Khanozai.The village named as khushab is situated in tehsel karezat district pishin khanozai . the village is approximately 70 km away from the capital city of balochistan quetta and nearly 8 km away from the small attractive city khanozai. this village is having some natural beauty in the shape of a 24 hours flowing karez situated in the upper side of the village which has elevated and promoted the natural exquisiteness and gorgeousness of the village <khushab> . if you take the past phase or age of this village , you would always find unawareness, illiteracy and witlessness because of the atmosphere and milieu they had at that time. but now the consciousness , mindfulness and alertness has been originated and established in the new race and spirit.
The new generation is considering a change to improve education.
The village contains three schools (two for boys and one for girls) situated in different verges or sides of the village and three immense and life size madrasas (two for boys and one for girls).
Village Khuhab people do not depend only upon schools; they have installed many English centers, including one named Wake Up Friends. This class started in January 2011.
Later, another center was established by Muhammad Naseer Sab.