Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya (Arabic: مجلس خادم الاحمدیہ) which literally means "Association of the Servants of Ahmadiyya" is one of the five auxiliary organizations within the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Majlis Khuddam-ul Ahmadiyya is the young men's branch of the Community. In particular, it is for those men between the ages of 15 and 40. In some English-speaking countries, the organization is also known as the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association.
Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya (MKA) was founded in 1938 by Khalifat-ul Masih II, Mirza Basheer-ud-Din Mahmood Ahmad, the second Caliph of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. According to the auxiliary's founder, the name Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya literally means that its members are Servants of Ahmadiyya.
Khalifat-ul Masih II, Mirza Basheer-ud-Din Mahmood Ahmad established the tenets of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya to rest on the principles of service and sacrifice, and to inculcate commitment to one’s faith, one’s country, and to the world around them, tenets that still resonate through its international membership. The importance of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya was so great that in 1940 membership was made compulsory for every young man between the ages of 16 and 40, and as a result, branches of Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya were established in all parts of the world.
Members of Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya swear an oath of allegiance to their faith, country and nation and reaffirm this oath in gatherings. When the pledge is reaffirmed in a formal gathering, the shahadah is recited out aloud three times in Arabic, followed by its translation in the native language of the country and then the rest of the pledge is read out in the native language:
Translation: I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah. He is One and has no partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad [peace & blessing of Allah be upon him] is His servant and Messenger.