Kino is a movement created as a means of providing both amateur and professional filmmakers with a place to create and screen their short-films. Kino Kabaret is a type of innovative film-making lab where invited artists create films in a mindset of spontaneity and collaboration. The production method utilizes principles of non-competitive work to encourage co-creation. Surprisingly, this unique concept became a resounding success, and is largely responsible for Kino groups or cells rapidly multiplying around the world. Founded in a spirit of collaboration and motivation, the movement stimulates the production of short-films by small crews with little to no budget. Kino is divided into individual cells, or chapters, most of which have a monthly screening where member directors can screen their films and usually organize Kino kabarets once in a year.
The KINO movement was founded in 1999 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada by Christian Laurence and friends. It has since spread worldwide (mostly in French-speaking countries and central Europe), and is now composed of over 60 physical cells, as well as of many Facebook groups.