Leeds postcode area | |
Postcode area | LS |
Postcode area name | Leeds |
Post towns | 6 |
Postcode districts | 32 |
Postcode sectors | 150 |
Postcodes (live) | 21,412 |
Postcodes (total) | 30,427 |
Statistics as at February 2012 |
Postcode district boundaries: Bing / Google
The LS postcode area, also known as the Leeds postcode area, is a group of postcode districts around Leeds, Wetherby, Tadcaster, Pudsey, Otley and Ilkley in England. Most of the area is within the Leeds Metropolitan district in West Yorkshire, but parts of the area are within City of Bradford, West Yorkshire, and the Harrogate district and Selby districts, North Yorkshire.
The approximate coverage of the postcode districts: