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LUISS School of Government

The Luiss School of Government - Luiss SoG - is a graduate school of the Luiss Guido Carli University - Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli, a private university affiliated with Confindustria and based in the Italian capital Rome.

Modelled on Harvard’s JFK School of Government, the Luiss SoG was founded in February 2010 and inaugurated at the presence of the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano; its aim is that of providing graduate training for ‘high-level public and private officials who handle political and government decision-making processes’, both at national and international level.

The President of the Luiss SoG is Prof. Marc Lazar, Director of the Sciences Po Doctoral School in Paris, its Scientific Director is Prof. Sergio Fabbrini, Jean Monnet Chair and Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Luiss Guido Carli University and its Vice-director is Prof. Giovanni Orsina.

Since the very beginning, the Luiss SoG has had as main goal the internationalization of its academic teaching, that is why the academic body of the School is composed not only of Italian experts, but also by international academics and professionals, such as Giuliano Amato, Anthony Atkinson, Franco Bassanini, Sabino Cassese, Michael Cox, , Giulio Napolitano, Sergio Fabbrini, Marc Lazar, Leonardo Morlino, , , Christian Egenhofer, and Massimo Egidi.

