The Latona Fountain in the Gardens of Versailles lies in the Latona Basin between the Chateau de Versailles and the Grand Canal. On the top tier, there is a statue of the goddess Latona. The fountain operates three times a week during the high season.
The fountain is wedding-cake style, designed by Balthazar Marsy. In addition to the goddess Latona are her children, Apollo and Diana. The second and third tiers of the fountain have frogs (see next section), while the lowest tier has turtles and alligators.
Latona turned the Lycean peasants into frogs when they refused to give her water.
The Latona Fountain has been cited as inspiration for Buckingham Fountain in Chicago.
Coordinates: 48°48′20″N 2°07′04″E / 48.8055032°N 2.1176845°E