Lawrence Jones was an osteopathic physician known for his work with "strain and counterstrain" manipulative treatments.
Strain Counterstrain was developed by the American osteopathic physician Lawrence H. Jones, in the 1950s. At first, the treatment was named Spontaneous Release by Positioning, and later turned into Strain Counterstrain (SCS). Jones developed this approach to improve the treatment of neuromuscular and musculoskeletal disorders. He tried to find comfortable positions for various complaints and spent more than forty years studying to develop the full and mature strain and counterstrain technique. At the time of Jones' death there were approximately 180 tender points and techniques; now his disciples and leader of the Jones Institute have further developed and improved the technique covering over 300 tender points. They have created new and advanced courses. The Jones Institute is the only organization that provides instructors who are certified and authorized to teach the Strain Counterstrain technique by Jones and the Jones Institute.